Elastic Block Store - (EBS)

AWS - Elastic Block Store

  • In AWS we have EBS for storing the data permanently

  • EBS stands for Elastic Block Store

  • In EBS we will create Volumes to store the data

  • Volumes behave like raw

  • We can attach volumes to EC2 instances

Two Types of Volumes

EBS Volume Types

  • General Purpose Volumes (gp2, gp3) SSD: 1 GB - 16 TB

  • Provisioned IOPS Volumes (iol, io2) SSD =>High Performance (4 GB 16 TB)- costly

  • Throughput (st1) - HDD => Frequently accessed data at a cheap price (500 GB 16 TB)

  • Cold (sc1) HDD => Not frequently accessed data with cheap price (500 GB 16 TB)

  • Magnetic (standard) HDD => Previous Generation (1 GB 1TB) - old


-> Go to Volumes in EBS

-> Create Volume

-> Attach Volume to EC2 instance