In AWS we have EBS for storing the data permanently
EBS stands for Elastic Block Store
In EBS we will create Volumes to store the data
Volumes behave like raw
We can attach volumes to EC2 instances
Two Types of Volumes
EBS Volume Types
General Purpose Volumes (gp2, gp3) SSD: 1 GB - 16 TB
Provisioned IOPS Volumes (iol, io2) SSD =>High Performance (4 GB 16 TB)- costly
Throughput (st1) - HDD => Frequently accessed data at a cheap price (500 GB 16 TB)
Cold (sc1) HDD => Not frequently accessed data with cheap price (500 GB 16 TB)
Magnetic (standard) HDD => Previous Generation (1 GB 1TB) - old
-> Go to Volumes in EBS
-> Create Volume
-> Attach Volume to EC2 instance