AMI (Amazon Machine Image)
-> The entire copy of the operating system is called as Image
-> AWS provides several images for Linux
-> Image means pre-configured system (OS, Network, Software & applications)
-> We can create our own AMI in AWS EC2-Instance
-> Create an image and use it to install software like (web server, Jenkins, sonar qube, MySQL java )
-> Go To EC2 dashboard
-> Select Ec2 instance -> Go to Action -> Images & Templates -> Create Image
->Give a name for that
-> Go to the images section and check the presence of the image we have created
-> Using the created image we can launch the EC2 instance
-> By default image will be in private scope
-> If we make our Image Public, all AWS users can access our image in that region
\=> By Using Images we can save Our time to setup instances quickly
Note: To delete AMI/Image we will use 'De-Register Image'
-> When we create an EC2 instance with Linux OS we will get 8 GB of space
-> We can store files in EC2 instance upto 8 GB
-> If we terminate our EC2 instance then we will lose our data also
-> If I terminate my instance I will loose my data which is available in that Instance