Launching EC2 with Amazon Linux
EC2: Elastic Compute Cloud
-> Using the EC2 service we can create virtual Machines
-> In EC2 terminology VM is called an Instance
-> AWS provides several AMIs
-> AMI stands for Amazon Machine Image (pre-configured systems)
Launching EC2 instance
Choose AMI (Free Tier Eligible)
Choose Instance type (t2.micro)
Configure Instance (default 1)
Add storage (Default 8GB ) -> We can extra storage using EBS up to 30 GB
Add Tags (optional)
Configure Security Group (to allow traffic to access our EC2)
SSH: 22
RDP: 3389
HTTP: 80
HTTPS: 443
Review Instance Details
Create a new key pair and download it
Convert Pem file to PPK file
Connect to EC2 using Putty